The Journey
Posted on Wed Oct 4th, 2023 @ 3:05am by Captain Jackson Adams & Lieutenant Stuart Mann & Captain Michael Murphy & Lieutenant Commander Steve Ryan
Home Sweet home.
Location: On Board the Ship
"But sir" came the reply from Captain Adams.
"No, buts, the Montana is ordered to return home for upgrades and R&R. The ship and crew have been out in space for far too long. You are ordered to set course for earth" said the white-haired Admiral.
"We already have sir. From what I was told we would need to retrun. If I am correct, we will be there before you know it" replied Jackson.
"Very well, safe journey" was the final response as the Admiral's image left for the screen for that of the Federation's image.
Jackson entered the bridge,
"Lt. Mann, ETA on arrival to the Sol System?"
"At present speed, we will be there in about four days."
"Very, well then." Turning to Commander Murphy he said,
"Commander, you have the bridge. I want to spend some time alone. I will relieve you in about 8 hours."
Murphy wasn't concerned. He had worked with Adams long enough to trust him. Plus, he enjoyed being the ranking officer on the bridge. "Yes, Captain," he answered.
With that the Captain Left of the Bridge.
Being from Earth, Murphy looked forward to the chance to visit his parents. He only had four days left to wait.
Steve kept a vigilant eye on the console he was manning while actually thinking about what he could do once finally home. Had been quite some time since the last time he visited his hometown and a few days off would definitely benefit him.
(Mission Replies)
(The Captains Quarters About One Hour Later)
Jackson hit a button on the com channel, "Commander Murphy, please turn command over to Lt. Mann and report to my quarters."
The Captain knew the journey home would not be eventful and would likely mean something else for the Ship.
=/\= Yes, sir. =/\= came the response from Murphy.
A few minutes later, Murphy arrived and rang the chime at the door.
Captain Adams walked up to the door and pressed a button to allow it to open. He was in his uniform with his tunic down and had a drink in his hand.
"Aww, Commander, come in."
Murphy entered the room. "Is everything alright, sir?"
"Commander, to be frank, I do not kow" he said pouring the Commander a drink and handing it to him.
"Being recalled to home like this (out of nowhere) is odd to me. Furthermore, when I asked some friends of mine what was going on none of them seemed to know. What does that mean, it means the right hand of Starfleet does not know what the left hand is doing. That is dangerous. It is also weird" finished Captain Adams as he sat down in a chair behind his desk.
Now Murphy was concerned. “They are usually a lot more organized. Even when things aren’t in sync, they’re not usually this off.” He drank from the glass.
"Yes, Commander, they usually are. It is very suspicious."
Captain Jackson Adams
Commanding Officer,
USS Montana
Commander Michael Murphy
Executive Officer
Lt. Stuart Mann,
Lt. Steve Ryan
Chief Communications Officer