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Checking In

Posted on Tue Jan 21st, 2025 @ 4:04pm by Captain Michael Murphy & Lieutenant Commander Steve Ryan & Lieutenant Kestra Ral
Edited on on Tue Jan 21st, 2025 @ 4:05pm

Mission: Through the Looking Glass
Location: Janus VI


=======Montana Bridge=======

The Montana was soon to arrive at it's next assignment. They were to check in on the mining colony at Janus VI. Apparently something was interfering with their operations.

Captain Murphy entered the bridge and surveyed his crew.

LT. Cmdr. Ryan was standing in the center of the bridge overviewing it's operation in the absence of the captain. As Murphy entered, he smiled and updated him.

"Good morning Captain, all systems working just fine. We're about to enter Janus VI orbit"

"Thank you, Lieutenant Commander Ryan," Murphy responded, making sure to emphasize the new rank. "Let's make sure we open hailing frequencies as soon as we're able. I'd like details on what the problem is down there in advance of our landing party, if possible."

Steve nodded closing in to the communication console and tapping on it.

"We're within comms reach" he updated as the vessel kept closing in to the planet "I'll get them onscreen?"

"Yes," Murphy answered.

An older man appeared on the viewscreen.

"Chief Engineer Vanderberg, I presume?" Murphy asked.

"You presume right, but who are you?" the man was all business.

"I am Captain Murphy of the USS Montana. We've been sent to assist you, but there were no specific instructions on what you need assistance with."

Vanderberg appeared to perk up at that. "Oh, good. Perhaps this would be better discussed on your ship. If you wouldn't mind transporting myself, my Chief of Security, and my Chief of Medicine aboard?"

"Not at all, I'll have my people send you coordinates and you can signal when ready. Montana out." Murphy had expected to be beaming down, but it wasn't necessarily a bad sign to have them request beaming up.

"Mister Ryan, have department heads and representatives meet in the conference room," Murphy said. He then left to make sure the room was ready for visitors.

Ryan nodded and immediately disposed as the captain requested.

======USS Montana, Science department. ======

"There you are!"
Kestra looked up from a PADD at the sound of his voice. She was sitting on the counter, her legs crossed frowning at the information. "There are a few changes I am not happy with." She had been spending most of her time going over history. Hopping down, she dropped a mouse into Harry's cage and then looked up at Wallace, waiting on his response. She could feel it coming.

Lt.Wallace Wilson just shook his head. "Whatever they are, we can't change them. You need to stop looking for them." He gave the advice to her again.

Kestra put the PADD down with a sigh. He was probably correct still for her peace of mind she wanted to know. She put the PADD away in a drawer for safe keeping and picked up her cup of coffee. "Fine, but if it comes back to bite us on the butt, I am tossing you under the ship."

Wilson nodded he wasn't worried about it
"You're needed in the conference room. Something about Janus VI operations."

Kestra frowned. "That's all you know? Is it about Janus VI operations? That sounds like an engineering discussion, not science."

He gave her a nod that led to Kestra rolling her eyes. "Fine Janus VI?"
Picked up another PADD and looked up Janus VI.
The colony was a major producer of pergium. Currently no volcanic activity, and no atmosphere. Though the planet was rich in minerals, including gold, pergium, platinum, cerium, and uranium. "They have been in operations for fifty years. what could they have a problem with?"

"Female companionship?" He told her with a laugh. Kestra fought her smile. "Fine another cup of coffee. I have a feeling ill need it."

======Montana conference room======

As Murphy entered the conference room, he was pleased to see things were clean and orderly. He stood near the head of the table and waited for others to arrive.

Kestra walked in. Coffee in one hand and a PADD in the other "Good afternoon Captain." She told him with a smile.

Steve was the last one joining the meeting, escorting the honorable guests to the Montana's conference room.

Chief Engineer Vanderberg was in the front, easily recognizable from the viewscreen earlier. Behind him was a middle-aged man with one hand on a holstered phaser pistol. Last was an older man with a relaxed expression.

"Gentlemen," Murphy greeted them. He assumed the Chief of Security was the one with the weapon, while the other was the Chief of Medicine. "You've already met Lieutenant Commander Ryan. My Chief Science Officer is also here."

Vanderberg ignored the introductions. "Yes, yes. We don't have time for this. Our people are dying down there."

Steve's eyes widened at Vanderberg's words.

Kestra froze "as in disease or are you having trouble with the air filtering system?"

Before he could answer, Kestra put her coffee cup down, wanting to make sure the transporter bio scans were done as they transported onto the ship and they hadn't brought anything with them. She picked up the PADD, and accessed the information. Reading the results. she relaxed, nothing unusual. And if they were all so fired up to get their help, why not have them beam down. They are the ones that came up. She gave a little frown, picking up deceit from all three of them. But why?

The Chief of Medicine held up a hand towards Vanderberg. "Let's not overreact," he said with a disarming smile. "We just need some medicine for our miners and you can be on your way. There's been some mild radiation exposure."

Vanderberg shot an agitated look towards his Chief of Medicine, but said nothing.

Steve noticed the reaction of Vandenberg but said nothing.
"Radiation exposure?" He asked "what are you mining down there?"

"Pergium, same as always," the Chief of Medicine responded coolly.

Murphy interrupted, "We didn't get your name, Mr..."

"Gratingol," he answered.

"Mr. Gratingol, we can certainly spare some medicine, but maybe it would be prudent to send down some of our medical team as well to help oversee treatment. Or maybe an Engineer or two to see if we can help prevent the radiation exposure." Murphy carefully watched the faces of the three men.

"Not necessary," Gratingol answered. "You can transport it back with us when we go back down, and we'll be out of your hair."

Murphy observed that Vanderberg's Chief of Security still hadn't released his hold on his weapon.

Kestra frowned. Her eyes going to the men as they lied. She picked up the images of partially dissolved bodies. "Pergium radiation doesn't dissolve bodies or equipment." she spoke softly. Eyeing the man's hand on the weapon she continued. "You do know that weapon was deactivated in the transporter. It was the only reason they let you keep it."
Her dark eyes meeting the security chief eyes with a little smile then Kestra glanced down at the PADD as she type then handed the PADD to Lieutenant Commander Ryan. "Sir we can spare these supplies."
Of course on the PADD she had typed " they are lying."

She could just be snoopy and dig into their minds for the information but out of common courtesy. She didn't. A stray thought well, she couldn't help but pick them up. Humans were far different in what they thought or what they were willing to do or say. So she tried to stay out of their minds if possible.

The Chief of Security released his grip and crossed his arms.

Vanderberg opened his mouth to speak, but then stopped without saying anything.

Steve took the PADD from Kestra and nodded thoughtfully.

"I agree," he acknowledged her point. "However..." he continued with an authoritative tone while handling the PADD back to the Science officer.
"... to provide the right supplies, we need to visit the planet ourselves and personally evaluate which resources best suit your needs. Simply handing over potentially useless items while overlooking what might truly addresses the issue isn't an option," he explained, his curiosity intensifying as the situation threatened to unravel into a full-blown mystery.

"That cannot be allowed at this time," Vanderberg said quickly.

"My colleague simply means we would rather not expose anyone else until the problem is resolved," Gratingol said. "With medicine we could treat the infected and continue our efforts to prevent future exposures. The next time you visit, we'd be happy to give you a tour."

Steve's eyes widened in disbelief and his head tilted slightly to the right.
"I'm not sure we can provide you the supplies under these terms. We need to assess which supplies are needed and to do so we need to investigate he causes hence, provide you with the best fitting option."

"Very well," answered Gratingol, standing up. Vanderberg and the Chief of Security followed his lead. "We will return to the surface and prepare for your arrival. We will signal you when we are read.

"Sounds good" Steve lied watching the reaction of the rest of the senior officers present at the meeting.

Satisfied, the guests left the room, escorted by a security detail to transpor room one.

Kestra frowned as they left the room and the doors closed. "they want medicine? For what? The image I picked up was melted bodies and equipment. That's more like an industrial accident, and yet they are afraid of something."

Steve nodded. "Sir" he told Murphy "I ask the permission to beam down with a landing party before our guests require our presence." he then turned to Kestra "Would you like to accompany me? We would need more in depth scans of the surface before beaming down, just to have a better understanding of what we are facing" he stated.

Kestra nodded. "Of course, sir." She waved to the door the group had just left. "Beaming down together would have been another normal protocol they don't seem to want to follow. We should find out what they are hiding."

Murphy nodded. "Alright. Let's surprise them. We'll take a landing party to the surface. We'll leave Lieutenant Mitchell in charge on the Bridge. We'll all meet in the transporter room in five minutes. If you're not there, we leave without you."


Captain Michael Murphy
Commanding Officer
USS Montana

Lt. Cmdr. Steve Ryan
USS Montana

LT. Kestra Ral
USS Montana


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