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Party Time!

Posted on Wed Sep 18th, 2024 @ 2:13pm by Commander Michael Murphy & Lieutenant Steve Ryan & Lieutenant Kestra Ral & Lieutenant Wallace Wilson

Mission: Through the Looking Glass
Location: USS Montana mess hall

OOC: Time for some fun! Let's have a party!


Commander Murphy nodded in approval as the final touches were put on the decorations for the party in the mess hall, and just in time as he expected crew to show up for it at any moment. He figured that the crew needed it after some of the stresses they'd been through lately, and since they had plenty of time while traveling to their next destination, he had gotten the Captain to approve it.

There was a playlist of various types of music playing over the intercom, three tables of different foods were set, and there were some simple party games like pin the tail on the donkey.

Kestra laughed at Lieutenant Wallace Wilson. "That's not what I said. I said you could come with me, not that we were going together. This doesn't count as a date."

"It is. What about all the nights we slept together?" He teased her. He had slept over when she was mentally attacked each night while she tried to sleep.

Kestra laughed. "You slept on the couch! You're terrible. " Walking into where the party was taking place. Kestra tugged on her uniform jacket.

"Lieutenants!" Murphy called out as he saw them enter. "Welcome! I hope you're hungry!"

"Commander, " she smiled in, greetings. "I am starved," Kestra told him.

Wallace Wilson grinned. "You are always starved."

Kestra laughed "True but that doesn't make my statement any less true." It felt good to just relax even if it might be a few hours.

Deborah cleared the entrance first, with Steve tailing her with a slow pace.

“See, we’re last” she told him angrily

“Who knows, lots’ of people is onboard and they are not checking who’s first and who’s last” he countered

“They do, they do” she reprimanded him “and it’s all your fault. You should have prepared in advance and not be a workaholic like usual. What did you have to do in your office ten minutes ago? Shouldn’t that work be done by someone else or be postponed till after the party?”

The lieutenant shrugged “Deb, c’mon”

The engineer shook her head visibly pissed and took him by hand “Move, or they’ll finish the food and the drinks before we even make it to the table” she turned and shoot him an angry look “and that’s all of your fault”

Steve rolled his eyes and let the ensign pull him towards the core of the party.

Murphy observed the couple's body language and figured something was wrong. He had the music turned up 25%, hoping to discourage the arguing. He figured after 15 minutes or so, he'd turn it back down.

Kestra cocked her head to the side slightly as she watched the drama. The girl was really upset. Kestra could feel it. Her eyes darted to Willson's. "We are in a different dimension from our own. There is no way to predict how we would be affected by it. People could become unpredictable and rash." She popped a piece of meat in her mouth.

Steve accompanied Debroah to the food table but found nothing of interest.

"I just saw Commander Murphy, I'll go have a brief chat with him and be right back" the Lt. told her to then leave her busy with the buffet and close in on Murphy.

"Commander" Steve saluted "Nice party, huh?"

Murphy saluted back. "I think it turned out well," he nodded. "How are you? I know we're in an unexpected situation here."

Steve nodded "Yeah, didn't expect the party, to be honest. Everyone is pretty busy trying to find a way out or at least to define where and when we are. The Montana isn't new to these kind of situations, huh?" he asked the commander. "Also from what I read from previous reports seems like we often end up trapped somewhere" he grinned.

"It definitely seems like trouble knows how to find us," Murphy agreed. "But apparently we also have a knack for getting out of it."

Kestra chuckled "Then landing into even more trouble." She agreed.

Murphy smiled. "Sometimes I wonder what Starfleet Command makes of our mission logs."

"Oh, they probably don't read them. Or if they do, is someone pretty low in the chain of command and the information don't travel to the right offices" the Lt. Echoed.

"It's probably a boring job, for the most part," Murphy considered.

Kestra shrugged "I read all my teams reports. Just as long as they do not look to closely to our Romulan base mission. " she chuckled. "Someone will probably frown at us blowing up most of a planet."

"Hopefully someone high up protects us when that report comes up," Murphy said. "You're right, it wasn't very Federation of us, but it may have been necessary for the protection of the status quo." He tried to sound nonchalant about it, but the loss of life did bother him.

Kestra nodded "I keep telling myself if they had not used the death ship they wouldn't have activated it. Yes we booby trapped it but they set it off and it was going to be used on us and the federation. At the very least we bought the federation some time."

Murphy gave a nod. "You make valid points, Lieutenant."

"you know, sometimes, the line between the good and the bad is very thin" Steve added "and good and bad are subjective elements" he muttered too.

"A hard lesson to learn," Murphy agreed. "Let's hope that's the last one for awhile."

Kestra nodded "that is true." She picked up a drink. The made a toast "to the federation may she stand strong."

"To the Federation!" Murphy toasted, before drinking.

"To us" Steve echoed.

The party continued on into the night.


Commander Michael Murphy
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Steve Ryan
Chief Communications and Operations Officer

Lieutenant Kestra Ral
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Wallace Wilson
Assistant Chief Science Officer, NPC


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