Positive Happy Tone per TOS

Created by Captain RS Harrison on Tue Jan 5th, 2021 @ 8:49am

I want this seem to be the happy positive TOS universe where there is no backbiting and underhanded politics etc. coming from or endorsed by Starfleet. That being the case it is OK for McCoy’s and Spock to have a genuine disagreement but there will not be something like Ben Finney harboring a grudge because Starfleet has abused him by enforcing regulations without clarity for example. I don't want a Soap Opera. This should look nothing like DS9. I might not tolerate McCoy abusing Spock for example if that TOS stuff happened in my presence... But people disagree. Mostly your post should present a character overcoming or dealing with a situation in a positive, enlightened way. No officer should lose their composure and throw a temper tantrum. This is partially why Spock throwing Plomeek Soup out into the corridor from his quarters was such a shock. A Human wouldn't do this, much less a Vulcan. Much less a Vulcan First Officer. My general opinion is that if someone reads your post they should say or think "I want more friends like that!" Or "I want to live there." Naturally if you are sick or infected ala Amok Time or The Enemy Within or something that explains why your behaviour is perhaps...rude, that will be all the more dramatic. But anyone being a bully or something like it will face the consequences so don't say this was not brought up and please comment as soon as you have a question or Inbox me via Nova if you prefer.