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Mon Jul 15th, 2024 @ 7:27am

Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Veistral

Name Rebecca Veistral

Position Second Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species hybrid - Betazoid /Human
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9
Weight 115
Hair Color lite brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Rebecca Viestral was born and raised on Betazed, Even though her mom Is human ,and Dad is Betazoid. Both her parents met in Starfleet Academy on Earth in San Francisco. They were soul mates for life. Her Father, moved to her Mom To Betazed, and got married there too.
So Rebecca followed in her parents footsteps ,and she graduated from HS on Betazed. Her Dad was on the USS- Donovan, and brought his Daughter Rebecca
With him from Betazed, and made a special trip from Betazed to Earth to drop her
Daughter off at Starfleet Academy, then the Donovon went to their mission, about
The Borg And Species 8472, in a battle,and the Donovan was sent to check it out,
While his daughter Rebecca went to Starfleet academy.
Rebecca was nervous at first, she had to get to know her Classes, and make some friends. Her Father told her to behave herself when It came to snooping in people’s
Heads without permission, she had to control that part of her, she got in trouble in
School for snooping in a students head without permission because she thought he
Was handsome, it was the wrong way to get a Boyfriend Mate.


Spouse ------
Children ------
Father Toalan Veistral
Mother Kai Davidson - Veistral
Brother(s) Thomas Veistral & Joshua Viestral
Sister(s) Sarah Viestral, Neexoh Viestral( she’s a hybrid
Human-betazoid, mom & Dad liked 1 girl with a betazoid name)
Other Family Other Family: Various Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles between Earth/Betazed.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Rebecca Veistral was born and raised on Betazed, Father Betazoid, Mother Human.
All brothers and sisters, all hybrids born and raised on betazed, lived their regular lives on betazed.
Rebecca mostly enjoyed life on Betazed . She grew up and went to school on betazed, Till she was of Age to go to Starfleet Academy, on Earth in San Francisco, California.
She enjoyed the classes, and making friends while in Starfleet Academy. Rebecca aced some of her Starfleet classes, some she had to learn more due to being partially difficult classes but she went through them a second time pretty well. She was on 2 or 3 ships, getting the feel of being what it feels to be,and what its like to be a Starfleet Officer.
Strengths & Weaknesses Gymnastics as a kid, and helps with some
StarFleet fighting.
Acing Starfleet classes & exams.
Type one Phaser shooting colored Dots well.
Enjoys outing in the Starfleet Holo-Deck.
Making friends
Following orders from starfleet Academy Teachers, & other officers.
Getting in shape as a Starfleet Officer.


Snooped in a guys mind without permission, and got caught.
Fear of The Borg
Fear of over stepping The Prime Directive
Work Burn out
Nervousness around people the first at Starfleet Academy.
Having problems with some classes & Exams
Controlling her mind of other people without permission

Ambitions Ambitions -

Doing her Positon in Starfleet to the best of her Ability
Listening to Starfleet Officers
Learning her starfleet phaser types and how it fires
Becoming a Prominent Starfleet Officer
Having Strong leadership skills.
Controlling Her Telepathic abilities

Hobbies & Interests +Taking the right Steps ,and Exams to be Captain of a Starship
Or Starbase.
Outdoor Activities - Camping, Hiking, Fishing & Boating.
Being A Captain in Starfleet.
Making Friends & Relationships
Learning Star fleet Game activities,and games of other cultures.

Personal History Rebecca was born and Raised on Betazed, went to School with her Brothers and sisters,
On Betazed, and enjoying her classes a lot, She had one of her brothers in one of her classes, and never told The teacher they were related. But life was interesting on Betazed, for Rebecca.
After She graduated, she and her Father Beamed on his ship where he is XO, on the USS-Donovan,
The captain let his first officer take his little girl to Starfleet Academy, then USS Donovan headed off to check out things with The Borg, and Species 8472.
Rebecca beamed down to Starfleet Academy to learn and graduate.
Service Record (not good with StarDates)
1) Starfleet Academy - all 4 years
2) A brief one year on the USS-Donovan - her XO Father daughter some things in the Donovans Holo-deck, showed her around and had her in a Starfleet Uniform temporarily,
And made her feel like a Starfleet officer with different Starfleet duties, before heading to
Starfleet Academy.

3) USS- Bloomington - 3 year Tour

4) Starbase Edward -3 years