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Sat Jan 9th, 2021 @ 8:22am

Lieutenant JG Raymond Bailey

Name Raymond Bailey

Position Assistant Chief Medical Officer

Second Position Psychiatrist

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 6
Weight 250
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Piercing Hazel Eyes
Physical Description brown hair with hazel evey's nicely kept beard


Spouse Never married
Father Raymond Eugene
Mother Virgina Gail

Personality & Traits

General Overview Hard worker get along with everyone
Strengths & Weaknesses People person
Hard worker
Ambitions To Be an Admiral
Hobbies & Interests Chess
Medical and phycology books

Personal History a small Texas town. He was the only child To Raymond Eugene Bailey and Virginia G.Bailey parents. They separated when he was in second grade.He ended up living with his mother.

He ended up having to move twice and this made it difficult for him to make and keep friends but he still tried his best. His freshman year in high school he saw a recruitment advertisement for Starfleet academy. A Lot of his classmates wanted to go there as well as it had become a very popular career choice in recent years. He was told by his counselors in high school he would never amount to anything. Still he did his best to prove them wrong. He graduated high school, but just barely. He applied to the academy and was surprised that they allowed him to join. So he ended up going to the academy straight out of highschool.

After he joined the academy he also joined a religious course on a whim for the credits mostly, but instead he felt his calling to serve a higher power. Which to others seemed like contradictory goals as he was taking the classes to become a counselor as well. He seemed to thrive academically in the academy setting finding the self driven atmosphere and the aide of his peers and his new faith he began to not just thrive but flourish.

Service Record 1st year Entry basics. With an elective in Spiritualism throughout the galaxy.

2nd year required advanced course load: his second year electives he chose to continue in advanced spiritualism. As well and began to look into the Phycology courses. It seemed as though he was looking for confirmation for the feelings he had. He was encouraged by the academy counselor to continue with both as he seemed to really have a grasp for both.

3rd year: He elected to go for a double classification with the encouragement of his peers and the staff he went for it and did exceptionally well. He dumped all unnecessary work loads and focused on Psychology and delved deeper into the religious aspects of the culture and even a few diplomatic classes to help him to connect to other various species and understand their religious or spiritual needs and traditions.

4th year: Did his fast cruise on the USS Imperial. They also let him do his internship. As well as pursue his final years of study. Minored in Medicine but has extensive knowledge of alien antony

First duty station was also the USS Imperial. Where he finished his schooling and gained his credentials.

Uss Penn
as Counselor/Chaplin

Uss Montana
As Chief Medical Officer and Psychiatrist