Lieutenant JG Cassandra Tiller

Name Cassandra Tiller

Position Assistant Chief Communications and Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5'04"
Weight 130
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue


Spouse N/A
Children N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview Skilled at her job, but can have an attitude problem that keeps her from advancing. So far, she still has a job because he skill outweighs the amount of attitude she's given to superior officers.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Good with languages, good technical skill, can even handle minor malfunctions at her station without needing an engineer to come help fix it.
Weaknesses: Has a temper and sometimes cannot control her mouth when she's angry.
Ambitions To be a Chief Communications Officer, but at this time she is not promotable.

Service Record She has served on other Starfleet ships, but seems to always end up being reassigned due to personal conflict. She's hoping the Montana will be different.